Act Now Technologies LLC

Archive for March, 2022

These Medical Devices Are Vulnerable To Security Threats

Thanks to the fine folks at Palo Alto Networks we have a better view of the relative safety and security of network-capable medical devices.  Unfortunately, the news is grim. Based on their ...

People Are Still Not Using Secure Passwords Despite Warnings

It's 2022 and after years of warning people repeatedly about the dangers of using the same old passwords and using the same password across multiple websites, you would think this would get ...

Network Security Breach Confirmed At Nvidia

Nvidia joined the seemingly unending parade of major corporations to fall victim of a hacking attack.  Recently, a group of hackers calling itself "Lapsus$" began sharing details about the incident and the ...

Chip Makers Are Already Planning For WiFi7

We barely got to know Wi-Fi 6 but companies like Qualcomm are already making plans for the next generation of Wi-Fi technology. They are working on Wi-Fi 7 which is otherwise known ...

Android Users Need To Watch Out For Teabot Trojan

If you have smart devices in the Android ecosystem, there's a new threat to be aware of in the form of a malware strain called Teabot.  This bit of malicious code is ...

Scammers Cost Americans Billions Of Dollars In 2021

The US Federal Trade Commission reports that Americans lost almost six billion dollars to fraud last year.  The $5.8 billion total represented a catastrophic 70 percent increase compared to the losses reported ...

New Phishing Emails Target Citibank Account Holders

Are you a Citibank customer?  If so, be aware that a group of scammers is specifically targeting Citibank account holders. The campaign is incredibly convincing, and the emails look just like official ...

Malware Hidden Inside Games Found In Microsoft Store

Security experts tell people all the time to never to download apps from anywhere other than official sources like the Microsoft Store, the Google Play Store, and the Apple App Store. It's ...

Employee Information Was Leaked At Cookware Company Meyer

Meyer Corporation is a California-based company and a giant in the cookware industry. Meyer is the latest victim in a seemingly never-ending parade of hacking attacks. The full extent of the attack ...

New iOS 15.4 Update Addresses AirTag Stalking Issue

Apple AirTags are handy.  They're an incredibly convenient way to help keep track of your stuff. If you lose something that has been tagged you can easily locate it using the "Find ...


Predictive Analytics: The Crystal Ball for Enhancing Business Strategies

Predictive Analytics: The Crystal Ball for Enhancing Business Strategies

Many business owners believe the key to success is setting down company roots in a high-foot-traffic area or building brand[...]
Supercharge Your Productivity with High-Speed Internet

Supercharge Your Productivity with High-Speed Internet

Anyone who experienced the early days of dial-up internet knows the frustration that comes from slow speeds. Even if you[...]
Don’t Fall Victim: Protecting Your Business from Malicious Web App Downloads

Don’t Fall Victim: Protecting Your Business from Malicious Web App Downloads

Progressive web applications are valuable for business owners. These tools allow your customers or employees to view and navigate your[...]


Fort Lauderdale (HQ)

3101 N Federal Hwy, Suite 300
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
(305) 907-6891


6600 Chase Oaks Blvd, Suite 100
Plano, TX 75023

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Since 2010, Act Now Technologies has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in Southern Florida. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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