Act Now Technologies LLC


GenAI Users Trust Bots With Confidential Information

Should generative AI systems have access to your establishment’s sensitive data? Many people seem to think so. This burgeoning new technology streamlines many tasks and makes operations cheaper, but it is important ...

AI and Cybersecurity: Adapting to Rapid Industry Shifts

If there’s one thing you can always count on in the realm of cybersecurity, it's that things are always changing. One area where the power of AI is on full display is ...

Cyberattacks Threaten Small Businesses

Could cyberattacks wipe out your establishment in minutes? Many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) think it won’t happen to them until it’s too late. Keep reading to learn more. An Escalating Issue ...

Revolutionizing Inventory Management With IoT Technology

The inventory management process includes having a team member count all materials and finished goods available in your storage center or backroom so they can decide which products are in high demand ...

AI Advancements Outpace Data Security Preparedness

Generative AI tools have changed the game for businesses in every industry. AI advancements streamline day-to-day operations by automating time-consuming and error-prone tasks, supporting rapid and informed decision-making, and more.  However, as ...

AI Scams Target Job Seekers with New Tactics

Finding a job in today’s competitive market is difficult enough on its own. Still, with the rise of artificial intelligence, it’s becoming even more difficult. Hackers and scammers are leveraging generative AI ...

Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities for Business Owners

Technology is always advancing and creating new ways for businesses to be more productive, efficient, and profitable. But nothing has created more buzz and opened more opportunities in less time than artificial ...

Businesses at Risk of Underestimating SaaS Risks

Software as a service is a cost-effective solution for businesses that need scalable and efficient solutions for managing all aspects of their operation. SaaS can help level the playing field, giving even ...

Is Your Identity Safe? Battling AI Deepfake Threats

As technology advances, so do hackers' techniques for breaching organizations. Case in point: The rapid expansion of AI has given threat actors a simple, inexpensive, and wildly effective means of tricking individuals ...

Choosing the Right AI Security Solution

What does it take to keep your establishment’s AI systems protected? This technology streamlines processes through behavioral analysis, chatbots, and predictive analytics, but it has vulnerabilities. Discover how you can address them ...


Mastering AIOps: Challenges, Benefits, and Key Steps

Mastering AIOps: Challenges, Benefits, and Key Steps

How competitive is your business in embracing artificial intelligence and integrating these technologies into your daily operations? Mastering AIOps offers[...]
MetLife Denies Hack Amid Ransomware Attack Claims

MetLife Denies Hack Amid Ransomware Attack Claims

Many business owners like yourself provide employee benefits like retirement, dental, and accident insurance policies. One of the top financial[...]
Telegram Launches Third-Party Verification for Accounts

Telegram Launches Third-Party Verification for Accounts

Does your company rely on Telegram Messenger to complete certain processes? If you’re familiar with it, your team probably uses[...]


Fort Lauderdale (HQ)

3101 N Federal Hwy, Suite 300
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
(305) 907-6891


6600 Chase Oaks Blvd, Suite 100
Plano, TX 75023

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Since 2010, Act Now Technologies has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in Southern Florida. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations. We equip our clients with customized technology solutions for greater operational value and to reduce risk.

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The 20 Elite